Genus Felis
The Jungle Cat
(Felis chaus) is found
on three continents if Europe is considered and has one of the widest
distributions of any wild cat. But the jungle cat is, as the photo shows, is
not a cat of the jungle but rather of grasslands. It is a terrestrial hunter
with its long legs as evidence. Its diet varies with the location but
generally it eats rodents, lizards, frogs, fish, insects, deer fawns and
poultry. |
The Sand Cat
(Felis margarita) is a five
pound hardy little kitty. Being native to African and
Asian deserts has forced this cat to be tough. Like the fennec fox of the
area this cat is equipped with large ears to lose heat on the hot desert
days. Also large ears gives them the edge on prey detection under the sandy
sediment. They eat jerboas, sand voles, hares, and other burrowers along
with birds, reptiles and insects. They are able to get all the moisture they
need from their prey. |
The Black-Footed Cat (Felis nigripes) is the
smallest cat in Africa and one of the smallest in general. It has been said
that it could kill a giraffe which is obviously a tall tale yet this four
pound cat can look very ferocious when the ears flatten. These cats are
named for the black fur under each paw which protects them from the hot
sand. To stay out of the piercing sun light of day these little carnivores
hunt at night and hide in the shadow of termite mounds or in old aardvark
burrows by day. They can live without water for a long time by their diet's
moisture. They eat rodents, spiders, and insects. |

The Wildcat (Felis silvestris) is found in
Africa Asia and Europe but it was the African individuals that gave rise to
the Domestic cat. And it is the African ones that look most like the house
cat. Just look at your tabby and you see the wildcat markings. It was said
to be the Ancient Egyptians that did the domesticating. Many scientists say
that the domestic cat is just a another subspecies of the wildcat. But
wildcat stock is not too pure any more after domestic cat hybridizations. |